Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Does It Mean When A Man Gives You His Dog Tags I Need Advice About My Husband?

I need advice about my husband? - what does it mean when a man gives you his dog tags

I need some advice from someone in the military. My husband is currently deployed in Iraq. I support him 100%. I'm always there for him not to laugh by sending packets, not argue. We have a very good relationship. But a week or two, I asked if he could wear his wedding ring on her plate. He said that many men and he wanted because he was on the interrogation of Iraqi prisoners tired of his wife. Well, I want to use a little nervous not inwardly, but I said nothing. I said he should miss, and he accepted. Anyway, we talked for a few days online. We talked online for about twenty minutes before he told me he had bad news. He said he had lost his wedding ring. He said he left when he showered, and went into the sink. Have lost He said he would probably weight because it was conducted. Of course, I was really excited! This ring means a lot to me, and I hope it meant a lot to him. I tried not to react on this issue or about this callBut now I think maybe I should have. It was just that: 1 He did not immediately speak, 2nd does not appear that (thought I'd lost the ring in the drain again, and I was devastated, but I fled SO) and 3 had mentioned that I had previously not been used because of the alleged prisoners. I think if I'm honest, a part of me also fears he will not use it because they love me or deceive me, and use only the history of flight as an excuse not to. It is my fear. So please only someone can give me some advice, what am I feeling now? Thank you. Keep the negativity, and I'm always positive for him, but it worries me greatly.


time flys said...

I know where you from what would be come enraged against him, but to be honest u have a reason not to trust what he says? It is quite possible that he has lost weight since he has made, I know that eating is not good sometimes, and perhaps lost enough weight to the ring no longer fit on your finger s' is not strong enough to fall. Unfortunately, I also know that it is possible he could cheat, but so sure he would not do that, then you have nothing to fear. Just because I asked if it would be nice ring on her plate had not thought that a reason to be angry at that time feared that the weight loss could drop that in any way. And remember to always think that, logically, as we do, then perhaps the story of prisoners was a bit ornate and ask did not want to disturb him, too: "Hey, can I use my ring plates. It would probably do well and want to offend. Just talking to talk to him and let Him aware that you lost your complaints and see what their reaction to replace it.

Good luck.

EDIT to say: On the basis of new information that I would be that everything goes well. If you use the ring or do something, want behind your back, then you would have told him not to send a new one. I believe that things are well with you. Do not listen to all the other people here do not bother me to say that her husband's life, because I'm sure you do. the loss of a wedding ring is a bit embarrassing if I can understand why you can use some quiet on the subject. Glad to hear things are better, but I think he lost the group by his grandfather: (

xelacire said...

Used to be, is a nightmare in itself. Give him some time and not going crazy. I wish you good luck!

smprfiwi... said...

I want to be perfectly honest - I think de Mai exaggerate. He is married to her, and that's what counts. Do not wear a wedding ring on his finger does not automatically mean you are not married. I understand that you wear - but wanted to put on their dog tags, not as if the drawer. If it is not used immediately, because he had cheated, I do not know think it would be used on the plate.

Now the story of the leak is .... Immediately after that, does not mention that so wish, have a small fish. But sometimes strange things happen. It may not be immediately wanted, because she realizes that she seems a bit strange that he did not mention in the law that you want to use your fingers lost looks. He did not think, because he knows how much she means to you, and it would not be disturbed. I would not say anger not against him in order to .... Whether it .... a slide, especially when it is used. It's something we can discuss my return.

I understand your feelings. It is hard enough when our husbands are gone, but in reality, we sometimes things out of proportion because they are so far away.

I would not worry about him, talking to friends about it if you're still angry, but said did not bother him as he went. If he knows he is boring, if such a thing as my husband, he is even stronger.

Good luck ....:)

smiley said...

Sorry for the ring. My guess is, he feels like crap on it, but I do not want to be expressive when he there, and for good reason. One can understand why he did not use. I think a little paranoid:) Do not worry, we all at some time as a woman, military or not. You try to relieve your fears here, rather than always talk about how you feel. Ignore the rude comments OK. For the love of God, I asked some questions about the behavior of my children, not because they rely on the advice of my husband, I love our time phone number to be pleasant, like say, how your child learns. He loves you is to be faithful, and I'm sure you can see how badly he feels back to the ring. In addition, he wanted nothing to hide, I doubt that you say nothing about the ring:) Smile and be well maintained.

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